My 14 yr old Persian mix throws up her food about once per day.  She only likes dry adult food.  It appears she has not chewed the little pellets.  Otherwise seems healthy.

Answered question

Vomiting in cats can be normal, but once a day is a bit excessive.  There are several things that can cause vomiting, some that are more easy to treat than others.  Here is an article going into more extensive detail on the topic I would recommend:  https://www.vetbabble.com/cats/health-cats/why-is-my-cat-vomiting/

It could just be as simple as adding a bit of warm water to soften the food or to start feeding wet food. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say for certain what the cause is without an exam and likely some bloodwork to rule out any other underlying conditions.  I would strongly encourage visiting a veterinarian to have a dental check and bloodwork performed as well as a thorough physical exam.

For example, it is common for the root problem in older cats to have dental disease and they are not chewing their food sufficiently when they swallow it due to pain in their mouth or the pain is causing them stress.  Here is an article discussing teeth cleaning:  https://www.vetbabble.com/cats/health-cats/teeth-cleaning/

Another common issue is kidney disease.  This is oftentimes accompanied by more drinking and urinating then normal.  Owners most commonly recognize that their litter box is much more full than it used to be.  In these cases, a diet change or other therapies might be in order.

It can also be due to stress, gastrointestinal disease or a number of other conditions.  However, they should be ruled out methodically to help come up with the best plan.

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