Hi! I have a 3 month old golden retriever. He has gone overboard with his biting. sometimes he aggressively attacks me growling and biting my arms and face. i know it isn’t in his breed to be aggressive so i don’t know what the problem is. i say ouch and no and he when i ignore him he comes back harder. I have cuts everywhere and i’m running out of energy to deal with his biting. He attacks me and my mom (his owners) and this goes on most of the day. if we don’t fix this problem soon my mom is going to get rid of him.Please help!

Answered question

It’s great that you have recognized there is an issue while he is still a puppy.  It is much easier to correct at this age then it is as they get older.  I would strongly encourage you to attend a puppy training course as having a new puppy is just as much about training the owner as it is about training the pet.  However, in the event that you cannot find a puppy training course where you are, here are several articles on how to approach the problem:


I especially recommend this article as a good way to look at working with your puppy:


It is very important that you learn how to effectively work with your dog and it will very likely be a rewarding experience for both of you.  If this behavior continues, I would also recommend bringing it up to your veterinarian when he gets his puppy vaccines or scheduling a behavior to consult with your vet.  Just be sure to let them know that you want a behavior consult so they can provide extra time to help.

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