My kitten is the same size when we got him. He’s the runt and maybe weighs about 3lbs. And he’s about 11 weeks old now and was 6 weeks old when we got him. And he eats good. What do I do?

Answered question

Kittens not gaining weight can be a serious concern and can be caused by a number of things, including not being dewormed properly, having an underlying illness or disease or disease, not getting adequate nutrition, as well as a number of other causes.   This is why it is important that every new owner sees a veterinarian soon after an owner gets a new kitten as they will be able to address these and other needs of your kittens early care.  Here is a website going over some of the basics of early care for a kitten:


It is especially important to make sure your kitten is dewormed and vaccinated properly as this must be done several times in the first few months of a kittens life.  Deworming, along with vaccines are the two things that every kitten should go through.

If these things are already being addressed, and he has already had his first veterinary appointment, an additional appointment to address the lack of weight gain should be made as it means that there is a less common reason for the lack of weight gain that should be further investigated.

Answered question