I have a 4 month white Lab. I am getting conflicting answers on how much I should be feeding him per day. He ways 37 lbs right now.

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The reason you are probably getting conflicting answers is that the answer is not so straightforward.  In general, the labels on the packages of the pet food you feed will have the appropriate amount required for the weight of your puppy.  However, they are oftentimes more than required, but as a puppy, the risk of getting overweight is relatively low.   For more information on this topic, here is some general info on how much to feed your dog


The most important factor is that they are either labeled for puppies or for ‘all life stages’.  This ensures that there are an adequate amount of vitamins and nutrition for the food.  It is also good to look for food that has been AAFCO tested.  This is different then food that is based on food that is AAFCO tested as this means the food has the right ratios of vitamins, minerals, etc, but has not actually been tested to see if these vitamins and minerals are actually absorbed when being eaten.


As for how much to feed your puppy specifically and not just use the label, the tailored answer you are probably looking for is around how many calories does your pupppy actually need on a daily basis.  Again, it is not recommended to feed outside the food label since you may risk decreasing the vitamins your puppy needs to grow to be healthy.  However, if you want to find a food that recommends an amount that is most appropriate for your puppy, you should use this website:


This will help you calculate the number of calories required for all life stages.  As your dog is a puppy, it is recommended to feed 2 x the resting energy requirement (RER) if they are over 4 months.  The RER for a 37-pound dog is 581.  Multiplying this by 2 gives 1162 Calories per day.  However, this guideline is a general rule of thumb and the amount you should give depends heavily on the diet because of the nutrients in the food and the current body condition of your dog.  If you want to go outside the feeding guidelines of the food you are feeding, it is recommended to book a veterinary consult specifically focused on diet and nutrition to avoid issues with malnutrition.

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