Goodmorning I have a 3 year old rottweiler that  has been trying to tell me something giving me subtle signs that something is off. Very interested in smelling my breath gives wide eyes paws at me shakes off and gags after smelling me. When Im on the couch he will bury his nose into couch blanket etc to avoid my smell . When im next to him on the couch he also hide his face/nose with his paws also has been following me everywhere didn’t use to do that and won’t go outside?  I also have a 4 year old poodle who does a up and down head motion when smelling my breath also looks at me intensly. I went to my doctor thought it could be my BO but he couldn’t smell anything so it didn’t go anywhere. I mentioned I thought my dog has been alerting me he said he didn’t have much experience with dogs so that’s why im here looking for answers. Any help would be greatly appreciatec Thank you

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It is very interesting to hear your story.  I’ve only read in the news stories of dogs detecting cancer early, etc. which I’m guessing you have to which is why you went to your doctor.   Dogs do have a heightened sense of smell for many things.  Unfortunately, this is an area still being explored and there is no definitive answer that can help.

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