I recently adopted a 5 year old cat and found that it bites a lot. He does it often when I walk and he’s around my legs. It’s hard to avoid because even if he isn’t near initially, he likes to run up to me and follow. Sometimes the biting is accompanied with a hiss as well. I don’t understand why he does this and I would also like advice with correcting this behavior.

Answered question

This sounds like it could potentially be playful behavior, which is a normal way for cats to communicate, that has just gotten out of control.  We have several articles on basic behavior tips that may help you with the training process:  https://www.vetbabble.com/cats/behavior-and-training/.

For more information on how to deal with cats and aggressive behavior, the RSPCA has a great article as well here:  https://kb.rspca.org.au/my-cat-is-being-aggressive-towards-me-what-should-i-do_349.html

It may just be a matter of time before your cat begins to calm down as long as you to avoid the triggers for this behavior, redirect the behavior and reward good behavior.  It is also very important to not encourage the behavior by playing rough with your cat.

However, some behavior situations can be complicated and you may need to have a behavioral consultation with a veterinary behaviorist to examine the situation and see if there are any environmental factors that are causing this.

Answered question