Hi there, my cat Charlie Boots has been missing 3 days at a time, last week he come back with two cuts around his nose which looked like he’d been bitten from another cat. Then once he was fed and rested for two days he took off again. And then come back limping. I tried to source the limp on his leg he then begin to growl and hiss at me. And eventually got out the door again that was 3 days ago, he then finally shows up tonight hungry looking stressed. He was loving at first when I cuddled him fed him as he had missed 3 days feed. As we missed each other terribly but once I fed him he wouldn’t let me neuter him. Became grumpy, his best friends my dog and my younger cat went to greet him and play with him and he attempted to growl and attack my little cat. He’s extremely grumpy and exhausted. He’s also lost weight. He was a very healthy cat. But since he’s been taking off his behaviour has become horrible to me and my little cat and only the dog is allowed close to him. What do I do? I have a pet cage I was thinking he could rest in just until he’s fit again otherwise he’s just going to try and take off all the time and potentially come back even more hurt or not at all. And he’s going 3 days without feeding and he’s always extremely hungry and thirsty when he comes home. I’m absolutely lost on what to do. He was my best friend now he’s a stranger.

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Sorry to hear about your situation.  I would be concerned that Charlie has some health issues that need to be addressed by a veterinarian.  Diseases such as hyperthyroidism can lead to symptoms that you describe as well as a number of other conditions.  I would recommend trying to get him into a carrier and taking him in to get seen by a veterinarian.  If the vet does determine he is completely healthy then you can start to address the behavior your cat is exhibiting.  It could be that he simply does not get along with the younger cat.  If it is an intact male, I would strongly encourage getting him neutered as they can certainly have behavioral issues and it is not okay to have an intact male cat roam around as this can literally lead to hundreds of cats without homes.

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