My kitten goes crazy when she sees/smells any type of food. I feed her 4 times a day and has been checked by a vet and coast is clear, she is healthy. In fact when I’m about to feed her she whines and whines and even climbs on my back (I wait till she’s quite and calm then I give her her food). She whines constantly for any food. She is 3 months old, is there anything I can do to break this habit?

Answered question

A cat crying for food can be quite irritating, that’s why they do it as their meow has been targeted to get people’s attention and they do not use it otherwise for communication with their own kind.  The most important thing is to not give in, even once when they are crying for something like this and only feed them when they are not crying for food.

There is evidence that intermittent rewarding is the most effective form of reinforcement of behaviors for training an animal and it sounds like this is what you might be doing with feeding.  This can make these sorts of behaviors much worse.  The general trick to preventing bad behavior is by rewarding good behavior.  There is an article on VetBabble about doing the same for Dogs that jump on guests:  https://www.vetbabble.com/dogs/questions-dogs/stop-dog-jumping-guests/

It is important to reward good behavior and not the behavior that you are interested in stopping the bad behavior.  It is also important to make sure you don’t start overfeeding your cat as it can lead to health issues down the road.  For more information on training your cat, here is snippet from a book talking more specifically about cat behavoir:  https://books.google.com.au/books?id=KcPESM389aUC&pg=PA56&lpg=PA56&dq=intermittent+rewarding+cats&source=bl&ots=h4Rrj6BtBO&sig=ACfU3U377SyJiswzmlEWxqib_9MTmua1rg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj_ndiS-eXiAhVOb30KHZJCAHEQ6AEwDnoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=intermittent%20rewarding%20cats&f=false

If you continue to have issues or feel lost, it might be worth attending a class for new cat owners if one is available as they can be great resources.  Hope this helps and good luck with your loud kitty.

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