My 7 week old puppy has been throwing up for about 4-5 days now. She does nothing but sleeps and we can’t get her to stop throwing up. At first she seemed very tired, throwing up, and having diarrhea. Then she started to lose LOTS of weight, and won’t eat or drink . Then her diarrhea started to have long, curled, worms in it. We’ve been giving her pedialyte and promethazone to help with the throwing up. And we’ve used pepto to help but nothing really works. The pepto works alright but not enough to get her to eat again and get her healthy enough so we can treat the worms .

Answered question

Any time a dog vomits more than a few times, it is really important to get to the veterinarian straight away as it could be something serious.  One of the most common reasons for chronic vomiting in a puppy is an obstructive foreign body.  While this is not always the case and it could be something more benign such as over excitiment, eating too quickly, or just an upset stomach that will self-resolve, the consequences can be quite serious if it is not treated right away.  Please visit our article on vomiting in dogs here for more information

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